Roofing…. Summertime Safety

heat wave

Summer has arrived and property owners are scheduling roof inspections, roof maintenance and re-roofing projects.  With extreme summer conditions contractors need to be prepared.

Summer Safety Heat Checklist:

Early Morning Start

  • Survive the summer heat with early morning start time.  You can’t control how hot the day will get but a contractor can control their day by getting on the roof with an early start.


  • Staying hydrated in extreme summer heat is top priority.  Drinking plenty of fluids before, during, and after every roofing project should be the plan of action for all contractors working in the heat.

Dress Correctly

  • Best defense from the sun is a uniform that keeps you cool and offers sun protection.  Wearing a hat can be prefect way to keep you cool.

Cool it down

  • Remember taking a break is important when working on a roof in the hot summer sun.   Breaks are a great way to stay hydrated and cool down.

 Sunscreen Protection

  • The final piece to every roofers summer uniform is “SUNBLOCK”.  Sunscreen is a roofer’s best defense from sunburns and long term prevention from skin cancer.

Make summertime roof safety your priority.  Be ready for the heat of summer, get an early start, stay hydrated, take a break and dress the part.  Don’t let the summer heat melt you off the roof.

We will be here tomorrow to stand behind what we do today! Rock Solid Since 1934.